@RedeyestheSecound @Xuvero Well I am jelouse and thinking about doing a rick roll parody now to get my views up JK JK I would not steal from the king of trolls lol that would not get me the best viewers lol just a bunch of people getting pissed off like heyy!! NOT THIS AGAIN! I am sure atleast oh god Idk but I bet in reality people have been rick rolled over 500,000,000 times cause I remember some videos that had great titles than the song would come on it was like click baiting back then but every one click baited the same exact thing .. has things changed?!? I dont really think so people click baiting more and all still copying each other while they do it so maybe click bait has evolved ?
Hey dude venting always helps no matter where you do it you gotta forget about that feeling of not wanting to let people hear your "useless stress problems" cause in the long run yeah most likely you will just get over it and forget it but dont forget alot of people love reading random stuff so what if its not entertaining still it helps people to get to know you better and where you coming from also I clicked on youtube url lol OMG people have been rick rolled over 400,000,000 this guy is now probably rich with those views lol
Haha I thought no one would fall for it anymore!