I think you can know if you're a good writer by how hard it is for you to write a shitty story. You'd think "I'm a good writer, is what they say, so it sould be easy to write something bad!". But it's not, probably because as you write it you feel disgusted by how bad it is. By how bad it needs to be, really.
I mean, it's been a while that I've been needing to come up with an excuse for some senseles killing, and turn it into a script. But it's impossible, there's no good excuse for senseless killing unless it's comical or actually senseless. But it can't be comical and everytime I come up with something I get the "Trigger Frostbite" except that it's the "Keyboard Frostbite".
I can't just type something so horrible. And afterall, does story really matter when it comes to a game that is focused on killing people until your ass falls over? It's mostly a side thing.
But then you make a side story, that doesn't get in the way of the gameplay, gives a nice excuse for senseles killing, but without being completely senseless, and (the best part) taps into the essense of the thing that inspired the game. But: "It's not good.".
Also there's the fact that my days have been really full, which makes working on a project with a deadline even more stressful, which cripples creativity. The wish for working on something independent and on my own time grows.
Dunno why I said all this here tho, maybe it's just beause I don't feel like filling up my friends and my girlfriend's ear with my moaning. So I just type it here for no one to read.
At least I get the feeling that I'm saying it to someone, godammit.
Hey dude venting always helps no matter where you do it you gotta forget about that feeling of not wanting to let people hear your "useless stress problems" cause in the long run yeah most likely you will just get over it and forget it but dont forget alot of people love reading random stuff so what if its not entertaining still it helps people to get to know you better and where you coming from also I clicked on youtube url lol OMG people have been rick rolled over 400,000,000 this guy is now probably rich with those views lol
Haha I thought no one would fall for it anymore!