
30 Audio Reviews

15 w/ Responses

Wow, this is actually really cool, I'm not much into chiptune music, but I feel like I could pump this on my phones and listen to it any time.

Impressive work for a first try on this, I really liked how you used different styles. The song is really sweet and smooth in the beggining, but it escalades in a seamless manner to a very complex high point. Also loved the chod progression on this one (as usual, you're pretty good at choosing them), ut made the song feel very solid.

I love how you are always trying to learn more and are not afraid of experimenting, this is a great attitude!

This is really unorthodox, when I read the title I was expeting something like a mournful and dark song. What I get is a song that explores a much different feeling. It is something that I can relate to, an emotion I've felt before. But at the same time it is so specific that I don't know what it is.

To be able to capture such an specific feel and turn it into music is really an amazing feat, I am (as I usually get when listening to your music) amazed.

It is not something common now, to see someone that can play a piano and make it feel so solid. To take a single instrument and play something that one could genuinely say it's a complete song is a rare skill. You choose to do so in a hard instrument, one that is infamous for being played solo, but in which is hard to do so. This song is great, played by a great musician.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Wow, thanks for writing such a thoughtful review! It's really the greatest compliment to hear that my music can express such complex feelings to someone.

Composing on the piano has always felt natural to me. It's kind of like a blank canvas, since it allows for a lot of freedom. That said, I've also noticed my compositional skills improving over time. I think once an instrument becomes an extension of one's self (similarly to technology, like phones), one is able to compose and play on it in ever more impactful ways.

Creating music on the computer is nice too, but one risks losing the "performance" element. Thanks again for listening!!!

It was OK, I don't like lo-fi much (actually, most of the time I just dislike it), but I'll try to be fair.

This seems to have been well made, the beat is solid in most parts and the ambient sound was of good quality. The only thing that made me cringe a bit were those sudden stops that the song had in some parts: it's all ok until it just pauses in the middle, no warning or anything, just didn't like it very much.

When I listen to music like this I feel like going back to composing and playing. I keep listening and I imagine your composing process. Reminds me of quiet afternoons, starting off with A small idea and improvising for hours, letting myself sift in the sound of my own music, then after just picking the best parts. (I guess I just gave you confirmation of your good work: you got me all mellow and nostalgic there).

This composition is really good, it is indeed quite expressive, it conveys some emotion and it flows through some different moods. I think that perhaps a tense moment could have worked well with said flow, but it wasn't necessary, without it the song got mellow and relaxing.

These were some interesting scales and chord progressions you choosed, they don't feel either happy or sad, more like a water paint between them. Some notes seemed to have fallen out of harmony, but I had the sensation that it was intentional.

Overall it is a very good work that was done here, this song has it's way to bring me some memories.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

It's always nice to hear whenever my music manages to inspire someone, if even a little. Thank you for that!
My composing process differes between different pieces, but you definitely laid the process for this one out quite accurately :D!!

I generally try to convey emotions, atmospheres or other similar things through most of my music. For this one, I wanted to do something that sounds very different, but is still easily digestable for the listener. I didn't want any type of climax or added tensity in this one indeed. It's supposed to reflect a continuous, almost dreamlike mindset :)

The chords I chose are indeed somewhere between happy and sad. I think of it as almost a happy kind of confusion, where you don't really know exactly to think. Kind of like when something so surprising happens, you don't even know whether you're still in reality.

Thank you for this very uplifting review :D!!!

This is quite nice, if you keep up like this my music playlist is gonna be filled with your songs!

This song has a nice construction, though it builds up the pace better in some parts then it does in others (in some parts in which there were bridges that simply led into verses like the ones before it. It build up tension, but instead of bursting it, it just laxed, that is sort of unsatisfactory).

But besides this parts the construction was quite good, and when the bridges actually led into the high moments (most of the times they did) it was very satisfactory. The song is quite relaxing and fullfiling while also having some impact.

This is a nice one, but the audio is a bit lo-fi (dunno if you were looking for that, it seems to be getting popular lately). Also, this synth-thing that you put: more often then not, it doesn't match the rest very well. And consider making it loopable if it is a beat for hip-hop or rap, when you make something like this you should either try to make it long enough to rap oer it or make it loopable if it is short.

This one is very nice, it isn't my kind of music, but I had a good time listening to it.

FelixZophar responds:

Thanks dude!

One amazing track, it is quite an orchestral exploration of different aspects. But as was said before, it could have enjoyed a fortissimo, a moment in which all the tension and expectation got turned into something epic.

This song is in a constant crescendo, and that wouldn't be a problem if it was in a scene of a movie (when I closed my eyes listening to it I couldn't help but imagine that), but as a song alone it misses that point. Exluding that, the song is perfect, and would have been one of the most epic and perfect pieces of music I've ever listened to should it have that climax.

etherealwinds responds:

I'm pretty new to exploring orchestral elements so don't worry, I will most definitely be going back to this in the very near future and adding more to beef out a beautiful climax. <3 Thank you for your lovely words.

[Allan please add details]

Professor Longjohnson @Xuvero

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